Arrival Instructions
Step 1
- Welcome to Cancun International Airport! We’re happy to see you! If you’ve already booked your transportation with CancunShuttle you’re almost there!
- Upon landing at the airport, you’ll first go through the Immigration process. Make sure you have your forms filled out as the agents will need to see them!
- Your next stop is the baggage carrousel to collect your suitcases and you’re almost done! Your last stop will be clearing Customs.
- Don’t be concerned if the process seems slow. The Cancun Airport has many arrivals daily. Regardless of how long it takes CancunShuttle will be waiting for you!!!

Our supervisors in the airport will monitor your flight to make sure your vehicle is ready at your arrival regardless of any issue with your flight time. This way you won't have to worry if your flight is early or late. We will know and we will be waiting to greet you.

Step 2
Once you’ve cleared Customs simply follow the way out through the glass doors and exit the terminal!
Step 3
- Now the most important part, look for one of our representatives! They will be in orange vests and will be carrying a CancunShuttle sign with our logo.

Using to get to your hotel is easy, straightforward and reliable. Our company just celebrated 30 years of service to our clients and we continue to set the bar for service, commitment and efficiency in getting you to your hotel safely. We are here to serve you and all of our services are 100% guaranteed. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at:
From the US & Canada TOLL FREE at 1-888-414-0017
From the rest of the world at +52 998 848 0335 (Main office Cancun)
Every day from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm
Or by email at [email protected]